Our Second Annual Charity Hockey Game will be on Saturday, August 26th at 6pm.
St. Louis Blues Alumni
Saint Louis University
The premiere event of Hockeyforhope.com will be a exhibition game between the St. Louis Blues Alumni team, and the Varsity team from Saint Louis University.
As of August 24th, the following players are scheduled to appear:
Bruce Affleck, Jeff Brown, Paul Cavallini, Kelly Chase, Bob Hess, Mike Kitchen, Neil Komadoski, Bob Plager, Rick Zombo, Dwight Schofield, Brad Shaw, Peter Stastny, Yan Stastny, Paul Stastny, Mark Reeds, Kyle Reeds, Mike Zuke, Paul Zuke, Bill Muller, Dan McDonnell, Tom Tilley, Perry Turnbull, Travis Turnbull, Jamie Rivers, John Wensink, Larry Patey and John Ivanowski (Dawson's father).
As you can see from the long list above, there has been a tremendous response from the Blues Alumni, which has allowed us to actually put together 2 games on Saturday night, each with 2 15 minute periods.
Tickets will be $10 for adults, $5 for students/kids, with children under age 5 free.
There will be a number of events and fun activities to participate in during the game, including Chuck-A-Puck, and a Silent Auction.
All tickets will be held at "Will Call" at the rink in your name.